Martes, Setyembre 22, 2015

Lesson 17 Educational Technology 2 Practicum


                Educational technology 2 offers students the experiential process of adapting to technology integration within a student-centered paradigm. This is the practicum phase of the course which can be done, as seen fit by the teacher, either at the end of more theoretical lesson or inserted between lessons.
The essential requirements for ET 2 practicum phase will be:
·         A computer laboratory classroom with adequate sets of computers for hands-on tutorial learning
·         Participation of computer lab tutor/assistant to assist the learner with the use of the computer and its various programs
·         Assigned number of hours in conformity with the course requirement.
The practicum phase consists in:
1.       Basic Microsoft Word (6 hrs.) – The tutorial will help the learners to familiarize the basics of Microsoft Word from its menus and toolbars to the editing and formatting of texts, sentences and paragraphs.
2.       Microsoft PowerPoint (6 hrs.) – It aims to train learners to prepare PowerPoint presentations to enhance the teaching of the subjects.
3.       Internet as a tool of Inquiry (4hrs.) – The tutorial will facilitate the finding of sources of information appropriate to a learning task.

                There are times when i teach my younger siblings and other people in doing the basics of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and surfing the net. By that, I could say that I am confident to teach other people of what I know since it was already covered by the educational technology 2 course. 
                In doing such tutorial to those who doesn’t know will be a way for us to practice and refresh what we already know. Thus, educational technology 2 promises to bring student teacher and the professional teacher trainee to the challenge of new age so that they’ll be equipped with knowledge and skills as they face the modern era of learners.
                The brisk pace of technology advancement and innovation continues and educational technology 2 is a preparation to bring teachers to move ahead with the use of technology in the classroom.

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